S1 E8: Changing B2B buyer engagement within the tech sector

Episode 14,   Nov 05, 2020, 11:00 AM

In this week’s episode of Digital Careers Meets, my guest is Carrie Mott who is Head of Marketing & Sales Development for Asia-Pac at Dynatrace.
We discuss: ‘Changing B2B buyer engagement within the tech sector’.
In this episode we cover:
  1. How today’s B2B technology buyer behaves more like a B2C buyer
  2. The concept of S..marketing - the partnership between marketing and sales is closer than ever before
  3. Why any marketer who thinks they are not a technologist will not survive
  4. How customers are more empowered to self-serve
  5. You have to be interested to be interesting: Putting in the customer at the centre of all you do
  6. Why curiosity is such an important competency for tech marketers and how to assess for this in an interview
My thanks to Carrie and to Dynatrace for being part of Digital Careers.
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