Printavo University 102 | Make Better Screens With Mike Ramirez From Kiwo

Nov 18, 2020, 04:22 PM

Learn about making better screens for screen printing with Kiwo’s Mike Ramirez in this episode of Printavo University! Mike has more than a decade of experience meticulously managing screen rooms and working with Kiwo in their Houston, TX facility.
Click a timestamp to jump to a topic that interests you:
1:40 Introduction to Mike Ramirez – his background and working experience.
5:30 What kind of emulsion is best?
7:45 How we should think about screens for screen printing
8:00 and 14:10 How to take notes on EOM (emulsion-over-mesh) and exposure time
10:07 What is EOM (emulsion-over-mesh)?
10:40 The 10% thickness rule for EOM
11:15 Common EOM mistakes
12:00 What a bad screen for screen printing looks like
14:00 How you want screens to look
15:40 EOM and mesh count: how do they relate?
16:50 How long can you store coated screens?
17:50 The best tool to have in your shop to measure humidity
21:00 How long should you wait after coating a screen to use it?
23:35 How do you know if you made a good screen?
23:50 A simple tip for checking to see if your screens are properly coated: the Dennings way
25:25 The 4 phases of dealing with screens
26:45 How to properly reclaim screens
31:30 A simple way to understand how much detail your screen can hold
35:10 How to get better at making screens
37:50 How to use and understand an exposure calculator for screen printing
52:00 Question: What kind of EOM would you want for Discharge? Low or High?
58:15 Question: What is the advantage to thin-mesh screens?
1:00:00 Question: What is the best light source for making screens? LED, metal halide, or something else?
Printavo University is held every 2 weeks. Follow Printavo on Instagram and Crowdcast and get notified about the next class!
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