He Made $250k MonthWith A BRAND Store!From 0!!!

Episode 88,   Jan 01, 2021, 05:00 AM

Welcome to eCommerce Scaling Secrets! Here I, Alex Fedotoff, share with you valuable knowledge I’ve gained throughout spending millions of $$ on online advertising.

Hey, Rockstars!

I’ve got something VERY SPECIAL for you! An interview with one of my most talented students in the eCommerce Scaling Secrets program

Amed is the guy who is making STABLE $250k/month! AND that’s with a BRANDED store, not dropshipping, Amazon or anything like that…

In my today’s YouTube video, Amed talks about HOW HE GOT THERE, the RIGHT MINDSET for an eCom entrepreneur, HOW TO MANAGE FB CAMPAIGNS, and so much more...

Honestly, one of the best interviews I’ve had for a looooong time! Come and see it!

VIDEO in YT : https://youtu.be/o-kinvkE5Ok

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