Batman: The Animated Series - Feat of Clay (Pt 1 & 2)

Jan 09, 2021, 01:00 PM

Immortan Hoof and Dave continue their look back at Batman: The Animated Series as they discuss the two part episode, “Feat of Clay”.

Now back to Saturday Morning Apocalypse! On our last episode, we talked about how Simon Trent (aka The Gray Ghost) may or may not have burned down an entire studio in retaliation for his T.V. show getting cancelled. Now, we move on to another actor whose criminal exploits are far less alleged; Matt Hagan, aka Clayface.

I’m your host, Dave, and joining me again as we stick our hands in the mud (so to speak…) is fellow cinephile, Ruler of the Wasteland, and recovering RENUYU addict, Immortan Hoof.

Listen as we discuss the stupidity of Wayne Tech executives who agree to meetings at 3am in abandoned warehouses; we shake our heads at Batman’s shockingly ruthless methods of interrogation; and finally, we start to notice a disturbing trend in the cartoons we’re selecting, mainly body horror and corpse dumping.

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We’ll be right back with Ryan and Mike, who make their Saturday Morning Apocalypse debuts as we discuss Cool Hand Batman, aka “The Forgotten”.