Exploring Bratton and Edington
Episode 3, Jan 31, 2021, 12:01 AM
This episode looks at the beautiful and historic landscape around the villages of Edington and Bratton.
We follow a walk that Glyn wrote about in May 2019 that starts at the Iron Age Hillfort of Bratton Camp above the Westbury White Horse, and continues via Picquet Hill above Edington after a short diversion to Tinhead Hill. We explore Luccombe Bottom and its spring before returning via Bratton church and the lung busting climb back to Bratton Camp.
You can follow Glyn’s walk on the Hidden Wiltshire website. He’s also written about the area in later blogs. You can tell it’s one his favourite places.
Also in this episode Paul has a little rant whilst Glyn searches for the bleeper.
Thanks to Paul Jackson for the information on the cold war bunker.
The music and sounds are provided by the multi-talented Steve Dixon. The piece in the Introduction is entitled “The Holloway”. The second piece he calls “Sprung”!
You can read Glyn’s blog about his walk on the Hidden Wiltshire website at Edington Hill, Luccombe, Combe and Longcombe Bottom.
Glyn’s photographs can be seen on the Hidden Wiltshire website and his Instagram feed @coy_cloud
Paul’s website can be found at Paul Timlett Photography and on Instagram at @tragicyclist
Steve Dixon’s sound art can be found on Soundcloud where his username is River and Rail Steve Dixon River and Rail. His photographs can be found on Instagram at @stevedixon_creative and his graphic design business website is at Steve Dixon Creative