Essential strategies to sell out your online yoga course with Allie Van Fossen, The Journey Junkie

Episode 63,   Feb 06, 2021, 07:03 AM

Allie is a once corporate marketing girl turned successful yoga teacher, chakra coach, retreat leader, small business owner, and full-time traveler with her husband via a sailboat. 
She primarily teaches yoga online through YouTube, courses, and a monthly membership called the Body Mind Soul Studio. Allie is passionate about using the yoga practice as a framework to create off the mat transformation and discover our potential. 
In this episode Allie & Kelly discuss essential strategies to sell out your online yoga courses with ease.
This episode covers:
  • Allie’s yoga business journey 
  • How Allie used Pinterest & challenges to grow her audience
  • Why building your community can give you an edge over large membership sites
  • Allie’s email list building tips
  • Why having an email list is essential for your online yoga course launches
  • Allie’s process of using free challenges to launch paid online yoga course
For more information about Allie, visit her website
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