The one with Olympic Swimmer Fran Halsall - and how do you bounce back when you don't achieve your big dream

Season 1, Episode 18,   Feb 07, 2021, 12:00 AM

The one with Olympic Swimmer Fran Halsall.

In this episode I talk to former Olympic Swimmer, World, Commonwealth and European Champion who shares her stories and learnings from sport to inspire others to achieve their goals. 

Fran shares what it takes to get to the top of your field and achieve massive goals plus how to keep motivated on the days you're not feeling it.   

We also explore what happens and how you bounce back when you don't achieve your big dream and you lose your identity and sense of purpose - and how to come back from that. 

With tonnes of inspiration and transferrable advice from the world of sport to your personal, professional and business life. 

Follow Fran Halsall on Instagram  or connect with her on LinkedIn 

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