Episode 28 Danny Silva
Episode 59, Feb 12, 2021, 12:10 AM
Episode 28 has arrived for your listening pleasure and its the creator of SilvaRecord.com, Mr Danny Silva himself.
Danny while one of the quieter names out there for interviews, is an ever present on UFOTwitter & his blog at Silva Record is incredibly popular. The names that he has managed to quote, source and call colleagues over a short period are incredible. A man who is in the know and you should check out his opinion.
The subjects discussed include;
- Lue Elizondo's recent media appearances
- TTSA break up & fallout
- UAPTF report
- MJ12
- Wilson/Davis memo
- Listener questions
- And more
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Enjoy folks!
Get in touch with myself on twitter @UFOUAPAM , on Facebook, YouTube & Instagram under "That UFO Podcast", Email: UFOUAPAM@gmail.com and don't forget to subscribe, like and leave a review of the show.
Enjoy folks!
Keep lookin' up,