No Hablo Teen: Tips and ideas for learning a language at GCSE

Season 2, Episode 25,   Feb 19, 2021, 12:01 AM

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Growing up in the 80s, there was a real drive to teach children foreign languages at school – something you can still see today with introductory lessons often taking place in primary schools. And although there are fewer students taking GCSEs in modern foreign languages than a decade ago, French, Spanish or German are still popular options for students to take. But if you’ve ever tried to learn a language independently, you’ll know it can be really tough. So has lockdown impacted student’s ability to continue their language studies, perhaps more than other subjects?

This week we’re looking at the benefits of learning a language at GCSE, and ideas to effectively prepare for assessments.

Nathan McGurl, founder of The Study Buddy, is joined by Rebecca Nobes. Rebecca is the Head of Spanish in a large secondary school in Essex. She is a Council member of the Chartered College of Teaching. And if that weren’t enough, Rebecca is an active podcaster and blogger at

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