Winning At The Game Of Life

Episode 88,   Mar 06, 2021, 10:00 PM

In today’s episode of Dorothy and the Dealer we are diving into how to win at the Game of Life - do you play tactics or do you devise a strategy?

Are you more a TACTICS person, or a STRATEGY type of guy or gal?

We play a lot of game’s here at MJB, and over the years we’d like to think that we’ve come up with some pretty good wisdom about how to secure a winning hand. So in today’s episode of Dorothy and the Dealer we are diving into how to win at the Game of Life.

On the one hand, you’ve got tactics. 

Like in Monopoly, when you work your way across the board as you build up your bank. $100 from a chance card here, a few spare dollars under free parking, another lap around Go for $200.  You HUSTLE, finding an idea to get you as far as you can go.

But on the other side, you’ve got a strategy or systems.

This is where you develop a long-term plan that works around limitations that might pop up. So as that Scottie Dog races around you’re thinking which properties are most landed on, and which will give you the best return on investment. You have a big picture, one that looks ahead 20, 30, or 50, more laps around the board. 

So which one are you? 

Because when it boils down to it, money is just a game. And the way we play games is a direct reflection of how we play the game of life.

If you get frustrated and annoyed in poker that’s the way you react to real-world struggles. If you play it safe in Yahtzee, you might never end up being brave enough to take leaps in life.

Listen in to find out how YOU play. And then make sure you test out your skills in our upcoming challenge - The Money Game.