Unidentified Submerged Objects & The Shag Harbour Incident

Season 2, Episode 7,   May 04, 2021, 03:37 AM

It was a partially obscured skyline on the eve of October 4 1967 in the far eastern coastal community of Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, when suddenly the clouds were alight with an unearthly presence in the form of four glowing lights…

Join us on Into The Portal for the conclusion of our deep dive into more of the inexplicable USO phenomena that bring the mysteries of our world's oceans to the forefront of our imaginations.

Underwater abductions, alternate lifeforms and a classic Canadian UFO/USO case in the conclusion of of search, sort of ;) 

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Massive Thank you to our Producers Adam Kellems, Stanley C, NightWing & Kitsune!