Dr Larisa Florea

Episode 2,   May 04, 2021, 01:00 PM

In this episode of exploring research careers podcast I speak with doctor Larissa Florea. Dr Florea studied organic chemistry and chemical engineering at University Politehnica, Romania (B.Sc. Hons). In 2009 she joined the Adaptive Sensors Group at Dublin City University where she earned her Ph.D. in materials chemistry

Moving through her research career In 2018 Larisa was awarded an Irish Research Council Laureate grant and an ERC-Starting grant that enabled her to establish an independent research career in School of Chemistry and AMBER.

In today episode we talk to her about how she felt supported and developed through her student and post doc years and how that has impact her support of her own PhD students and post docs, she talks us through the emotional journey of applying for an ERC grant; being rejected; reapplying and being awarded the starter grand 2nd time round.