Career Decisions: Meet Dr. Martin Mc Aleese (Part One)

Season 2, Episode 36,   May 13, 2021, 04:39 PM

We know that many, if not most of us, will have a number of jobs and careers in the course of our lives. Career transitions can be daunting at the best of times - taking us out of our comfort zones and challenging our confidence - so it helps to learn from the experiences of those who have successfully navigated these challenges.

This week we are bringing you a special 2-part episode on Career Decisions and we are honoured to be joined by Dr. Martin McAleese, former Accountant, Dentist, Senator and current Chancellor of Dublin City University.  Dr. McAleese has sought to develop greater trust and reconciliation among communities in Northern Ireland, with a particular focus on working class loyalist communities in his native Belfast.

In the first of this 2-part episode with Dr. McAleese, we discuss his circumstances growing up, his education and how these experiences informed and shaped his career. We also examine the impulse for change; how we can re-imagine our careers; when it is important to listen to our instincts; and how to have the confidence to take the first step.

Episode Recorded 4th May 2021.