The one with Carla Collins whose rocky start in life and physical disability left her feeling unsure of herself but how positive affirmations lead to self-acceptance, self love and ultimately greater joy in life

Season 1, Episode 24,   Jun 01, 2021, 05:27 PM

In this episode we talk affirmations.
Affirmations are those things that people take the mickey out of don’t they? Stand in front of the mirror. Chest pumped. Roar! I’m a tiger! 
So do they really work?
According to my amazing guest Carla Collins, they do. They’ve been such a powerful mojo fuelling tool that she now has a brilliant business Love up Love you which produces the most amazing scented affirmation candles – I say this with 100% certainty because I have Carla’s wonderful affirmation candles and as someone who has an obsession with candles, I can honestly say they’re the best I’ve ever bought. 
Now Carla says she was inspired to create the business following her own journey of self-discovery which has taken her from Bondi Beach to London. And along the way she has discovered how positive affirmations lead to self-acceptance, self love and ultimately greater joy in life. 
Because Carla says she got off to a bit of a rocky start in life and that family dynamics meant that home for her as a child didn’t feel like a particularly safe or nurturing place to be. She was also born with a physical disability that made her an easy target for bullies and she felt different, unsure of herself and not worthy of her place in the world. 

A great episode to harness the power of affirmations and change your life. 

Follow Carla Collins on Instagram @loveup_loveyou
Follow Jo Britton on Instagrame @jobritton.mojo
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