UNCENSORED with Marien Sarriera of Yachts Mermaids: Mens Mental Health

Season 2, Episode 205,   Jun 29, 2021, 05:00 PM

Isolation and depression are significantly experienced onboard, and even though you may believe women are more prone to this, you couldn’t be further from the truth.

When Movember comes, men on yachts proudly wear their mustache but don’t realize that behind the excuse to grow facial hair is the daunting fact that the male suicide rate is higher than female. The (WHO) 2016 survey estimated 793,000 suicide deaths worldwide, and most were men.

So why is the male suicide rate several times higher than female? One key element is communication. It’s too simplistic to say women are willing to share their problems, and men tend to bottle them up. But it is true that, for generations, many societies have encouraged men to be “strong” and not admit they’re struggling.

Here at Uncensored, we are changing that by supporting men to speak up. Tune in to listen to the story of Alex Haubrich from Yachtie World. He opens up about his struggles onboard and advises on how to support men and their mental health.

To contact Alex visit https://yachtieworld.online

To follow YW, click here https://instagram.com/yachtieworld?igshid=v3gcewetg1sc

If you have something to say, a story to share or wisdom to pass on, email Marien at info@yachtsmermaids.com to be part of the UNCENSORED show or click here https://yachtsmermaids.as.me/ymmeetup

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