S2 | E10: A Gestalt Approach to Work in Teams

Season 2, Episode 10,   Jul 06, 2021, 06:00 AM

In this episode I speak with Gestalt practitioner Marie-Anne Chidiac on why having an orientation when working with teams and change is so important. Marie-Anne explains what a Gestalt approach is and walks us through the 'cycle of experience' and some key concepts in Gestalt, and how they're used with teams. We talk about the role of the facilitator and the importance of contracting well, and supervision when we're using ourselves as vehicles in this work. If you've ever wondered what a Gestalt approach to OD is this is the episode for you!

This series is for practitioners, HR and leaders of teams interested and curious about work at the team level. You'll hear from experienced practitioners as they share their work in this space - and challenge ourselves to consider what impact working virtually has on this work - as we explore interventions, techniques and processes that can help improve the functioning, health and performance of a team. This series aims to lift the lid on this often complex yet hidden work and share the experience of team practitioners more broadly.