EP 18: Korey Sewell: Running a summer camp, becoming a micro-activist, and your unique role in anti-racism & inclusion

Sep 21, 2021, 11:30 PM

In today’s episode, we are talking to Korey Sewell, the founder of Hands-On Education and Hands-On Technology. A company committed to empowering youth through mobile technology and the practical applications of computer science, Korey runs engaging afterschool and summer programs for kids in different areas of STEM.

Come join us for this real, authentic, and honest conversation about what it looks like to be an activist in 2021. In this episode, we answer questions like: 

>Can you be a micro-activist? What does that look like in your community?
>How does someone figure out what their unique talent is in doing their part in anti-racism and inclusion?
>What are the different forms of activism that a person can be a part of?

Do you have a question that you want to be answered on a future episode of The Inclusion 1st Podcast? Submit your question here to be featured on a future episode: 

You can find more information about Korey using the links below: 
Ready to dive in further? Check out all the places you can find us below: 

Top 5 Most Asked Questions On Anti-Racism: https://www.inclusion1stproject.org/top5