The Honor Role 24: Diane Doersch

Episode 22,   Nov 03, 2021, 05:00 PM

Diane W. Doersch serves as a Director of Technology for the Verizon Innovative Learning Schools initiative at Digital Promise. She came from a career in public education, first as an elementary school teacher, then a middle school computer applications teacher, and finally director of technology in a Wisconsin school district with approximately 6,000 students. She then served as Chief Technology and Information Officer in one of the five largest school districts in the state. In that role, Diane helped develop a statewide data warehouse consortium for school districts, worked to transform her school district with laptops for educators and 1:1 devices for students, earned her Certified Educational Technology Leader (CETL) certification, and helped her school districts build fiber optic networks. Diane serves on the boards of the Consortium of School Networking (CoSN) and #EquityEDU, and is President of Women in Technology (WIT) Northeast Wisconsin. Diane is passionate about providing technology and opportunities to ALL students to be college, career, and community ready, inspired to succeed in our diverse world.