EP 23: Explaining The Real History Of America | Community Question

Oct 07, 2021, 11:24 PM

In this episode, we are answering the listener-submitted questions: 

How do we walk the line between educating today's youth on the real history of America, for example explaining privilege and educating them on what has happened and is still happening to people of color in the world, while not creating a feeling for the white kids that they are inherently bad because of their skin color and the history of their race?

Do you have a question that you want to be answered on a future episode of The Inclusion 1st Podcast? Submit your question here to be featured on a future episode: 
Ready to dive in further? Check out all the places you can find us below: 

Top 5 Most Asked Questions On Anti-Racism: https://www.inclusion1stproject.org/top5