Revolutionary Motherhood THE 'ART OF THINKING' Greg Scorzo with Antonella Gambotto-Burke

Episode 16,   Oct 21, 2021, 11:15 PM

In this podcast, Greg Scorzo dialogues with the controversial  Australian journalist and writer Antonella Gambotto-Burke about her book, Mama: Love, Motherhood and Revolution. Many of the issues raised in Mama are discussed: issues such as Antonella’s experience becoming a mother, her views on the devaluation of the feminine, attachment parenting, whether it is useful to value female beauty, fractured intimacy, the emotions behind sex work, oxytocin and love, whether personality is more a product of nature or nurture, the specific role of the mother during infant and toddler years, whether you can spoil an infant or toddler, whether or not nannies are problematic, emotional literacy, and the role of consumer culture in changing how we parent. As in all 'Art of Thinking ' podcasts whether or not you agree is less important than grappling with the ideas. You don't have to think like everybody else.
Also available on YouTube

Also listen to recorded dialogues from Greg Scorzo's debut novel 'Love Before Covid,'  - traumatic (sur)realism at it's best. An experimental and extreme collection of real-time dialogues, traversing a complex moral maze of how love is being impacted by gender politics in these polarised political times. Exploring the nature of love and drawing focus to the dark side of romance, procreation and sex, it deals unsparingly with unpredictable behaviour, abuse, depravity and forgiveness. To find out what healthy love could be, this book explores what it shouldn’t be. "Where love rules, there is no will to power, and where power predominates, love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other." - Carl Jung

Available from Troubador Publishing and all good bookshops.