Protecting Ourselves in the World

Episode 42,   Oct 25, 2021, 04:25 PM

Are you enjoying your life right now in 2021? Are your children happy, content and enjoying their lives? I am observing an influx of men, teens and children having a rough time on planet earth lately. There is something we can all do to help ourselves, our family and everyone we know get through these times. This is the most exciting time to be alive and we get to choose whether we enjoy this epic planetary shift. One thing is certain and that is, you chose to be here at this time and so did everyone else. 

When I see people who are sad, anxious or out of sorts I often think, “How did they get to that point?” In this episode I talk about ways you can protect yourself and your loved ones emotions in our current times. There are most likely things adding to your stress that you don’t even recognize. It’s time to hit reset and get clear on some things, let’s go!