Every Man Needs a Mission That Scares the Hell Out of Him

Episode 23,   Nov 08, 2021, 08:31 AM

The inner hell of suppressed fears and unspoken shame is revealed in the mirror of sickness, old age and death where we cannot escape any longer. You can run but you cannot hide, catches up with every man alive.

The greatest opportunity to living and dying without regret is embracing the great mission you were born to lead, the message you are here to spread, or mark you desire to make in the world. Following the dictates of your heart will however reveal all undealt with fears you have imprisoned in the recesses of your mind.

Yet, man’s greatest freedom lies beyond the gauntlet of his worst inner fears. Kings of Freedom, embrace the storm of inner hell face on, stride forward valiantly into the unknown and exit victorious the far side. Then, tomorrow morning they jump out of bed to start again.

Reach out to JC and find out about his amazing Vegan Safari revolution at Air Safaris - Homepage (jcdeklerk.com)

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