Melissa in the Morning: Regionalizing or lack thereof…

Dec 21, 2021, 03:03 PM

1. Ansonia Mayor David Cassetti is steaming that a merger between Ansonia and Derby seems to be a no-go. What he’s threatening in the new year if something doesn’t change. ((00:10))
2. Fairfield CARES is pairing up with liquor stores to start more conversations about underage drinking. Learn why Fairfield numbers are alarming compared to the country. ((08:46))
3. The power of parenting can be challenging. Counselor Julius Dudics gave us tips on how to strike a balance between militant and friend when raising your kids. ((21:40))
4. Road rage is a real concern during the holiday travel. Triple A gave us stats on the reality and what you can do to avoid it. ((31:28))

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