Wendy, 1.9.22 - Experiencer, Coffee Cup Divination, Time ain't what we think

Jan 10, 2022, 05:23 PM

Consciousness. “All humans have clairvoyant sensing facilities, and this is the reason they keep emerging in spite of any societal resistance to them.” - Ingo Swann

How to bring a laundry list of anomalous personal experiences into a common framework? Find a label that allows for a wide degree of variation in terminology. Experiencers. It’s all about dots connecting.

In this collective dream – All connects. The challenge to awaken requires finding the catalyst that will spark the memory of why Amnesia was necessary in the programming. Each is Unique. Surprise and Synchronicity are the indication one has recovered a Stepping Stone.

It can be as easy as casting a symbol and identifying a metaphor.

Some read Tea Leaves. I like Coffee Cup Divination.

The images in this picture are - as I see them - Dogs. Other beings are presented as well. If it were a reading, there would be other symbols and metaphors to apply. Intuition determines the significance and the guides also offer their input .

What images appear for you?

Writing - and blogging.
Wendy's Blog. 
and the
other Blog.