Melissa in the Morning: What's Behind the Mask?

Feb 09, 2022, 02:06 PM

1. The mother of former Miss USA Cheslie Kryst, who committed suicide, recently shared her daughter’s mental health as high functioning depression. Dr. Andre Newfield, SVMC Chair of Psychiatry, explains what that is and address the mental health crisis in our state. ((00:10))
2. To mask or not to mask…that is the question! Superintendent of Bridgeport Schools, Michael Testani shares his initial plans and touches on mental health resources at schools. ((13:11))
3. A big merger in Connecticut will mean more mentor work for young people. Andy Fleischmann, President & CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Connecticut, shares the details. ((21:43))
4. Science you may not Know: So, you think your job stinks? Meet NASA's Chief Sniffer: The Odor Panel. ((36:48))

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