Exploring: Calisto and Melebea

Episode 200,   Mar 04, 2022, 08:34 AM


A crossover exploring session with our YouTube channel, looking at Calisto and Melebea

A read through and discussion of Calisto and Melebea, from the press of John Rastell

Another in our occasional series of cross overs with our YouTube channel, this is a Second Look read through and discussion of Calisto and Melebea, coming from the printing press of John Rastell around 1525. It's an adaptation of a Spanish book/play Celestina, later published in English as The Spanish Bawd. This is our first take, recorded in 2021, returning to the play after a year or so, as prep for a more detailed run - the video of which can be watched here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlkGUCoxIwQ

With Gregory Musson as Danio; Eric Karoulla as Calisto; Rachael Nicole as Melebea; Lynsey Beauchamp as Celestina; Alex Scott Fairley as Parmeno; Alexandra Kataigida as Sempronio.

The host was Robert Crighton.

The character of Celestina has many parallels in Dame Sirith and other texts. We haven't released our work on Dame Sirith at time of release, but the mentioned work on Interludium de Clerico et Puella is on the podcast now - https://audioboom.com/posts/7224328-interludium-de-clerico-et-puella-fragment

All the videos on Calisto and Melebea (1st, 2nd Looks and character workshop) can be viewed via this handy playlist - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWm5fLrrEqs&list=PLflmEwgdfKoLYUZxhyx34AJpuYvEtfGxp

To learn more about John Rastell, go to our Discussion episode on the man and his writing - https://audioboom.com/posts/7013153-discussing-john-rastell

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You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel where (most of) our exploring sessions live - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLa4pXxGZFwTX4QSaB5XNdQ
The Beyond Shakespeare Podcast is hosted and produced by Robert Crighton