The one with the midlife mistress and how to de-twat your life

Season 2, Episode 32,   Mar 08, 2022, 06:00 AM

This episode is for you if you think life can be a bit of a twat at times and you want to take back control of it. 

In 2018, Carolyn's world imploded. She had a high flying corporate career but had been forced out of a job she loved.  Her partner told her their relationship was over. Within the space of 10 days, she lost her job, her home, her relationship and the ready-made family that had filled the void left by her inability to conceive her own children. 

A brush with suicide followed.  She realised she'd lived a life of shame and blame. 

This was a catalyst to go on her own journey with self discovery to become a happier, more confident, self-compassionate and unapologetic version of herself. 

In this episode, Carolyn shares her story, redefines what it means to be selfish and gives you her 'How to process' to 'de-twat your life'.

Carolyn is author of ‘All The Twats I Met Along The Way’ and its upcoming sequel, ‘De-Twat Your Life!’ as well as the self-help book, ‘Redefining SELFISH. No Guilt. No Regrets’. 

Connect with Carolyn: 

Connect with me, Jo Britton on Instagram @jobritton.mojo for daily motivation and mojo fuelling tips and techniques.