Melissa in the Morning: Budget Battle

May 13, 2022, 02:45 PM

1. Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim is offering to increase education spending by 500-thousand-dollars in the upcoming fiscal year. This comes after continuous battle over the city budget. City Council President Aidee Nieves gave us the latest on the controversy. ((00:10))
2. Two weeks ago, President Biden announced more aid to Ukraine. Congressman Himes told us what's in the package and separately, touched on the baby formula shortage. ((14:34))
3. Grants are coming into Connecticut for the nursing workforce. Marcia Proto, the Executive Director of CT Center for Nursing Workforce, Inc., shared the news and what it will mean for nurses numbers. ((24:11))
4. The Stratford EMS is holding an open house this weekend. Why you should check it out. ((37:34))

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