Exploring: The Play of Wit and Science by John Redford

Episode 213,   May 27, 2022, 07:59 AM

This is our first exploring session on this late Henrician drama. Fight the Tediousness Monster!

A read through and discussion of The Play of Wit and Science, as seen on our YouTube exploring sessions in another of our occasional cross over episodes. Performed around 1544ish. Opinions vary. Late in the reign of Henry the Eighth will do.
The play is missing the first few pages, but what can you do.
This is the first of three plays that riff on the same material. They have annoyingly similar but different titles. 

With Claire Richardson as Reason, Experience; Stephen Longstaffe as Wit; Gregory Musson as Instruction, Idleness, Science; Alex Scott Fairley as Confidence, Tediousness, Ignorancy, Riches; Nuno Meireles as Diligence, Fame; Liza Graham as Study, Honest Recreation, Favour.
The host was Robert Crighton who also read Worship.  

You can go to the video version of this episode here. If you want. It's pretty much exactly the same, just you can see our lips move - https://youtu.be/a55FYFxkrEQ 
There is also a series of workshop videos where we break the text down further, plus looks at the other variations on a theme, catch them on this handy playlist - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLflmEwgdfKoIyBWRPzwx1osWZhTP6EU_h

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You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel where (most of) our exploring sessions live - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLa4pXxGZFwTX4QSaB5XNdQ
The Beyond Shakespeare Podcast is hosted and produced by Robert Crighton