What Are No Flow Moments and How to Overcome Them
Have you ever had one of those moments when you just don't feel like you're in sync? Maybe your voice is shaky, you can't find the words that you want to use, and/or your body feels stiff. Join me as I fly solo today and share my tips to help you overcome these no-flow moments!
A no-flow moment is when, for whatever reason, your vocal cues, your verbal cues, and your body language are not synchronized, and I share with you how to get back into a synchronized flow! You, for starters, need to be able to recognize that you're having a no-flow moment, and I give you three no-flow moments and what you can do.
I walk you through the three different types of no-flow moments – the previously mentioned vocal cues, verbal cues, and non-verbal cues (or body language) – giving examples of each and tips on how to overcome them. These tips include mindful breathing, a verbal fluency test that can help you determine whether or not you're going to experience a verbal no-flow moment, and letting your hands flow rather than clasping them or restricting them.
These are all ways that you can help yourself so that your voice, your verbal cues, and your body language are all in sync, and I really hope that these tips are helpful for you! If you have any questions about any of what is discussed in this episode, please feel free to reach out!
Show Notes:- [0:13] – Deirdre is flying solo today!
- [1:16] – Today's topic is on overcoming no-flow moments.
- [1:39] – The first step is to recognize a no-flow moment when it happens.
- [1:54] – Hear an example of a vocal no-flow moment.
- [2:26] – Breathing is the best way to overcome a vocal no-flow moment.
- [3:10] – Deirdre offers an example of a verbal no-flow moment.
- [4:13] – Learn about a test that will help you anticipate a verbal no-flow moment.
- [5:33] – The last one is non-verbal cues.
- [6:13] – Deirdre argues that a lot of our body language is energy.
- [6:53] – Discover how to combat a no-flow moment related to body language.
- [7:29] – Reach out to Deirdre if you have any questions for her!