Ep. 9: Healing and Dealing

Jun 20, 2022, 07:00 AM

In order to save Kurt, Agent Felspar has to make some unsavory choices and confront an important figure from his past. Agent Vellum, meanwhile, is forever changed - not by hover cars or kittens, but by forces beyond his understanding.

Map of Clovenheart

Ila Alexei is Agent Kaolin Vellum and our artist
Essay Mnktl is Agent Merim Felspar and our editor
Jordan Quiverns is everyone else and our GM

Subscribe to our Patreon for bonus episodes, maps, and short fiction set in the world of our podcast! Talk to the cast and other fans on our Discord!

The People, Places, and Things of Three of Hearts!

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Our music was provided by Louie Zong.
Intro -  Dogtective; Midtro -  At Last, a Piano; Outro - Ghost + Guest.

This episode featured the Deck of Daddy Things! Buy it from the crew of Dungeons & Daddies to inject chaos into your games!