#10 Holding a Growth Mindset in Medical Education with Dr. Nora Osman

Episode 10,   Feb 15, 2022, 10:39 AM


Listen as our esteemed guest Dr Nora Osman discusses how a growth mindset is valuable to teachers and learners in medical education.  If we hold a fixed mindset, feedback and failures  don’t hold the nutritive potential they can as when we conceptualize them with a growth mindset.  We have to think deeply about how we can change the culture and structure of medical education to foster a growth mindset–one-off trainings are not the answer.

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  • Producers, Hosts, Writers: Era Kryzhanovskaya MD / Molly Heublein MD
  • Infographic/Cover art: Era Kryzhanovskaya MD 
  • Editor:  Clair Morgan of nodderly (audio)
  • Guest: Nora Yusuf Osman, MD