RAPTV Founder Reveals How He Made Millions Going Viral On Social Media | Daniel Snow Interview

Episode 226,   Jul 14, 2022, 01:48 PM

Welcome to eCommerce Scaling Secrets! Here I, Alex Fedotoff, share with you valuable knowledge I’ve gained throughout spending millions of $$ on online advertising.

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You were waiting for it! 

Hey, guys!

As e-com entrepreneurs, we use social media to generate millions of dollars in sales...

But oftentimes we don't build a sustainable digital presence...

And that could be the difference between 6 & 7 figures, or 7 & 8 figures!

Not leveraging the power of going viral is the same as leaving money on the table...

But today, we talk to a master of social media and incredibly successful entrepreneur, Daniel Snow!

Daniel is the owner of RAPTV and has a combined following that's 40 million strong!

He makes millions of dollars off it and at the same time leverages his social media skills to create successful e-com business after successful e-com business.

Daniel loves to help, so he doesn't hold back ANY information.

If you want to level up your game, this is for you.


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