Podcast Special: Taking net zero from ambition to reality

Episode 1,   Jul 28, 2022, 07:00 AM

In this episode, we explore how net zero remains a massive opportunity for growth despite current economic challenges. But is the UK positioning itself to keep its global lead on this? And how can firms convert their ambitions to reality – moving from commitments to implementation? 

We recap on the trends that were discussed at this year’s CBI Achieving Net Zero conference and how we overcome the challenges, why firms need to start thinking about their impact on nature and what steps they can take to make the most of the opportunities.

Joining the CBI's Associate Editor Joe Marshall in conversation are: 

  • Tom Thackray, Programme Director, Decarbonisation, CBI 
  • Tania Kumar, Head of Decarbonisation, CBI
Supporting resources: 
#netzero #cop27 #decarbonisation #ccc