Temperance and Other Virtues (Fragments Remix)

Episode 223,   Aug 05, 2022, 12:42 PM

A play around with remixing two fragmentary play texts together.

A remixed combination of the two fragmentary play texts, Temperance and Humility and The Four Cardinal Virtues - using the material we recorded for the two separate plays. We think, whilst the match isn't quite perfect, that the similarity of the two texts means we can slot them together, and one day use these fragments to construct a longer, fuller version for performance.

In Temperance and other Virtues – Disobedience who becomes Fortitude was played by Gillian Horgan, Temperance by Pamela Flanagan, Humility by Leigh McDonald, Wilfulness by Robert Crighton, Justice by Geir Madland, and Prudence by Liza Graham.

Recording and technical presentation was by Robert Crighton

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The Beyond Shakespeare Podcast is hosted and produced by Robert Crighton