From Female To Male: Wesley Mexia shares his transition journey to help those struggling with their own gender identity

Season 2, Episode 2,   Aug 18, 2022, 12:00 AM

Welsey Mexia was born into the body of a girl, but always knew that he was a guy. After deciding to transition, Wesley shared his story on TikTok to help others who were struggling with their own gender identity and quickly amassed a following of 230k followers. 

Wesley has agreed to feature on Inspo and see’s the platform as a means to provide advice, knowledge, insight and support to those who are transgender or their families. 

I am so grateful for this opportunity to have sat down with Wesley to understand the journey that he has been on, to have my eyes opened to a world different to my own and to learn more about the experience of being transgender. 

Wesley is one amazing individual that I am now lucky to call a friend. So, press play, sit back, listen, learn and get inspo!

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