Melissa in the Morning: How Many Warnings are Too Many?

Aug 29, 2022, 01:00 PM

1. Seaquest at the Trumbull Mall just removed one species with a second pending. We spoke with PETA about Seaquest's track record, how Connecticut has responded and how the USDA continues to drop the ball on animal welfare. ((00:10))
2. There is a breast cancer clinical trial underway at the Cancer Institute at St Vincent's Medical Center aimed at reducing chemo treatment before first surgery. Dr. Sara Dost spoke about it and shared how her patients participating in the trial are doing. ((17:03))
3. Norwalk Hospital is now offering a new breast cancer surgical technique reducing side effects post surgery. Dr. Susan Boolbol tells us about magtrace and explains why it's considered a game-changer.  ((25:06))

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