The Power of Automation via RevMarketing Automation (RMA)

Aug 31, 2022, 03:00 PM

Welcome to another video in our Userguest series focused on the topic of RMA - RevMarketing Automation

Today we are joined by:

šŸ”¹ Erik Munoz of Userguest and Annemarie Gubanski from TaktikonĀ 

NB: Userguest are one of our Expert Partners

Hotels rely on tech tools to run the day-to-day operations of the business. Weā€™ve seen a growing tendency to automate many tasks within the industry as a way to simplify time-consuming tasks, often saving time, saving money and removing stress.

Today we look at how automation can be used effectively via the hotelā€™s own website to drive dynamic content and personalized messaging leading to increased booking conversion and, ultimately, higher revenues and lower OTA commission.

We explore why hotels should embrace website technology, the benefits to both visitor and the hotel and discuss how automation marketing can work with less time and cost investment than initially anticipated

Hope you enjoy the discussionšŸ‘

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Ā Here is the YouTube link:

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