Melissa in the Morning: Drug Teaching

Sep 12, 2022, 02:03 PM

  1. After the D.A.R.E. program dissolved in Connecticut, some districts created their own programs. In Fairfield, they made SHAPE that teaches drug and alcohol dangers to fifth and sixth graders. Gary MacNamara was the former chief and part of the rollout process. He told us how it works and why it's effective. ((00:10))
  2. September is Suicide Awareness Month and we spoke with Chair of Psychiatry, Dr. Andre Newfield, about resources available to people struggling with mental illness. ((12:55))
  3. Over the counter hearing aids are expected to be available next month. We spoke with the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare about what you need to know and the quality of these hearing aids. ((20:23))
  4. What are marriage moments? Bob Donovan, our marriage consultant, shares what they are and why you need to pay attention to your marital environment to get them. ((29:02))
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