Happy Death Day Johnny Corn
Season 3, Episode 25, Sep 20, 2022, 10:27 PM
In this Episode of Unpacking Life's Crazy, Esperanza Phoenix, recently recovered from COVID fatigue, interviews comedian Johnny Corn on the anniversary of his death/resurrection to discuss his come back to comedy, film and the bubble biz. We say this podcast is all about using humor to survive life, it also helps some to survive death. We aren't joking... but we kind of are. Let's unpack this.
In this episode of Unpacking Life's Crazy, Esperanza Phoenix, recently recovered from COVID fatigue, interviews comedian Johnny Corn on the anniversary of his death/resurrection to discuss his come back to comedy, film and the bubble biz. We say this podcast is all about using humor to survive life, it also helps some to survive death. We aren't joking... but we kind of are. Let's unpack this.