Supernatural News/Parashare: UFO, AI, & Mothman, Oh My! Edition with BCB & Mandy Leon
Season 17, Episode 113, Sep 21, 2022, 08:00 AM
Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: UFO, AI, & Mothman, Oh My! Edition with BCB & Mandy Leon!!
Well, it happened, ya'll broke Timmy! Much like Humpty Dumpty, his heart broke, and the doctors barely put him back together again! So Beer City Bruiser reached out to his sista from anotha Mista,, ROH's Mandy Leon, to lend a helping hand with today's show! Cruiser, Bruiser, and Mandy have gathered stories of the strange and supernatural and much more this week just for you!
This week, An expert is already claiming that Nostradamus has predicted that King Charles III will be replaced, Chinese scientists shoot down the idea that the Oumuamua Asteroid is aliens! Ameca, The AI robot is all up in her feelings, and not feeling humans, and Tim proves that he can create a joke out of any headline!
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Find out where Beer City Bruiser is holding his breath and needlepointing near you:
Find out where Mandy Leon will be near you!
#paranormal #supernatural #metaphysical #paranormalpodcasts #darknessradio #timdennis #beecitybruiser #ringofhonorwrestling #supernaturalnews #parashare #ghosts #spirits #spectres #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #deliverances #exorcisms #angels #guardianangels #spiritguides #Psychics #mediums #tarot #ouija #Aliens #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships #projectbluebook #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #pepie #puca #beastofbrayroad #mothman #Artificiallife #artificialintelligence #AI #space-X #NASA #ISS #conspiracytheory #zombies #neardeatheexperience #quantumuniverse #multiverse #mandelaeffect
Well, it happened, ya'll broke Timmy! Much like Humpty Dumpty, his heart broke, and the doctors barely put him back together again! So Beer City Bruiser reached out to his sista from anotha Mista,, ROH's Mandy Leon, to lend a helping hand with today's show! Cruiser, Bruiser, and Mandy have gathered stories of the strange and supernatural and much more this week just for you!
This week, An expert is already claiming that Nostradamus has predicted that King Charles III will be replaced, Chinese scientists shoot down the idea that the Oumuamua Asteroid is aliens! Ameca, The AI robot is all up in her feelings, and not feeling humans, and Tim proves that he can create a joke out of any headline!
To learn more about Microdose Gummies go to and use code: darkness to get free shipping & 30% off your first order
Check out our new site, to find all of our old archives, leave us a voice message for parashare, read our blogs, and much more!
Find out where Beer City Bruiser is holding his breath and needlepointing near you:
Find out where Mandy Leon will be near you!
#paranormal #supernatural #metaphysical #paranormalpodcasts #darknessradio #timdennis #beecitybruiser #ringofhonorwrestling #supernaturalnews #parashare #ghosts #spirits #spectres #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #deliverances #exorcisms #angels #guardianangels #spiritguides #Psychics #mediums #tarot #ouija #Aliens #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships #projectbluebook #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #pepie #puca #beastofbrayroad #mothman #Artificiallife #artificialintelligence #AI #space-X #NASA #ISS #conspiracytheory #zombies #neardeatheexperience #quantumuniverse #multiverse #mandelaeffect