The Reset rebel Meets Hyacinth Mills to chat Cacao and Medicinal Mushrooms

Episode 147,   Dec 02, 2022, 05:00 AM

People are waking up to the fact there's a hidden network underneath every footstep we take, that build soils, heal us and in fact, without fungi, we wouldn't have food.

Humans share nearly 50 percent of our DNA with fungi, and we contract many of the same viruses too.   If we can identify the natural immunities that fungi have developed at sopme stage, we may also be able to extract them to help humans.

Last month I kidnapped NYC based Hyacinth Mills at the Six Senses Alma festival after she gave a Cacao ceremony to talk to me about the medicinal powers of mushrooms and how they had healed her auto-immunie disease. 

She is a fountain of knowledge about the different types and what they can do for us from Reishi to Lions Mane and left me feeling like winter is good moment to focus on our health and not leave it until something is really wrong to understand how they can help and support our health.

As she also points out, we are living longer now and our health and in particular our mental health and cognitive function needs to match us in the length of life that we are set to experience.

Thank you  to the three ladies who created this magical space at and for the : 
Cacao: Hyacinth Mills
Song:  Martina  ShaktiDance Ibiza.
Music Paz Shanthi   

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Earth Medicine Healing