S2 E27: Dirty Mistress Sex - Season Finale!

Mar 08, 2018, 03:10 AM

The episode is finally here. Season 2 finale. Who thought they would make it? No one. Neither did they. But here it is, and it's a goody.

This episode has something for everyone! We have dirty mistress sex in an exam room. We have dead fiances. We have Prom! We have walking out and quitting your job (who doesn't want to do that -- envious of Izzie). Did we mention dirty mistress sex??

This whole episode takes place at Prom, everyone's literal Hell. Abbey and Bri exchange their Prom stories. What they wore, who they went with, who they left with! Feel left out? Send the gals your Prom pics so they can dissect your fashion choices from years ago. Who doesn't want that!

Obviously this episode is rated very high, because GGB's, grasping to dead patients (Denny), and did we mention DIRTY MISTRESS SEX? Lucky for you listeners, not only did Abbey and Bri rate this current episode, but they rated all three parts of the Finale, AND the whole Season 2.

It was a great season Grey's Babies. Up next Season 3! But before we head there, don't forget to head over to Patreon and support the podcast. Leave a review on Itunes and tell all your friends before they have too many episodes to binge listen to, and then it becomes more of an inconvenience than enjoyment. Thanks for a great first two seasons! Seriously.