Investigating Inside Job

Episode 378,   Oct 27, 2021, 12:00 AM

Netflix's new animated series Inside Job posits a world in which basically every conspiracy theory you've ever seen on Facebook is real; John Ramos returns to discuss whether it's worth exposing the NSA to it via the recording device that's always running in your phone! Around The Dial takes us through the third seasons of Succession and You, and the second season of We're Here. Tara takes a hard stance on when holiday episodes should air. Erica makes a case for Brooklyn Nine-Nine's "Casecation" to be inducted into the Nonac. Then we crown the week's Winners and Loser before getting into a Non-Regulation Game Time that's a little two-dimensional. Take a break from monitoring your Bigfoot traps and join us!


👤 John Ramos


Lead Topic: 👽 Inside Job

Around The Dial: 🧐 Succession

Around The Dial: 🫵 You

Around The Dial: 🗺 We're Here

I Am Not A Crackpot: 🤪 Your Holiday Episode MUST Air Before The Holiday!!!

The Nonac: 🤮 Brooklyn Nine-Nine S06.E12: Casecation

Winner & Loser: 👍 Stir Wirz!

Winner & Loser: 👎 Debra Messing

Game Time: 🧠 Tube Toons


🗒 Full episode notes can be found on the episode 378 page on

🐦 John Ramos on Twitter

✍️ Tara's author page at Decider

👃 The Sweet Smell Of Succession podcast

🤬 Q: Into The Storm on HBO Max