S07.E04: Return Of The Vennding Machine

Jun 06, 2022, 09:00 AM

Season seven rolls on as we make our way back to the Chronic Town division. Brendan, Dan, and Jeff will all battle it out to advance to the playoffs by showing off their knowledge of TV shows and popular songs that share a title. Then, they'll blending properties from the highest and lowest of brows: pinpointing the crossover stars between superhero films and Oscar best picture winners. And as (almost) always, it all comes down to the lightning round!


⚠️ Inline notes below may be truncated due to podcast feed character limits. Full notes are always on the episode page.

🌎 Check out all of Dan's great works at his website.

🐦 Dan tweets on Twitter.

🤖 You can find Dan podcasting on various shows on The Incomparable network.

🕰 Dan is also host of the Clockwise podcast.

🧛🏻‍♂️ And because he doesn't sleep, he's also on The Rebound podcast.

🐦 Jeff's on Twitter.

🧩 Jeff is part of the National Puzzlers' League!