S06.E13: Another Brick in the Wall

Apr 19, 2022, 12:08 AM

This is it, y'all! We have made it to the season six finale with three absolute tanks ready to duke it out to become our next super mondo champion of champions. Look out for odd premises in round one where we insert the surnames of actors into unrelated properties that have their first name. But keep your eyes on the floor for round two so that you don't step on the bricks from the pop culture Lego sets we'll be quizzing our players about. Then an absolutely FAB lightning round caps off another exciting season! See you next week for something special!


⚠️ Inline notes below may be truncated due to podcast feed character limits. Full notes are always on the episode page.

🦸‍♂️ Note that we're talking about the 2011 show called The Cape, not the 1996 Adam Baldwin/Corbin Bernsen astronaut drama by the same name.

🔨 Kenneth Branagh wasn't in Thor, but he did direct it.

👊 Henry Cavill cocking his fists in Mission: Impossible Fallout, is an amazing scene, just try to ignore all of the continuity errors that show up halfway through.

💬 It's actually "Ah-Melee Blunt in Par-ee"

🤼‍♂️ For those in the know, the reference to Rhonda Rousey's signature armbar is a dead giveaway.

📺 The DuMont Network Scorebreak. The DuMont Network: Gone before I was born, but still a reliable punchline in the right crowd. [10/10, no notes.]

🪞 The "Yaaas Queen" sign is nice, but the Queer Eye Lego set also has a mirror, which is very cool.

🤴 The Prince of Persia Lego sets are pretty cool looking actually. And calling it "Alamut" makes it a low-key Assassin's Creed Crossover!

🏮 There are several Green Lantern lego sets, under the DC Comics Superheroes Line.

🐶 The Dogs Scorebreak. Dogs: The fuzzy weirdos who live in your house. They follow you to the bathroom, lick the sofa, refuse to go outside when it’s cold, snore really loudly, and take over most of the bed. Dogs. They’re the best. [7/10. We all love dogs. Pleasant, but needs some pizazz.]

🚕 George Carlin did, indeed, have a 90s sitcom. He played a cab driver.

🪦 Kevin Costner was much younger than the rest of the cast of The Big Chill, but it makes sense, as he would only have been seen in flashbacks.

🤿 If you want a deep dive into "The Worst Toilet in Scotland," here you go.

🌏 Ian is putting in a plug for Global Giving.

🚽 Sean would like to plug toilets. Or at least toilet puns. And Frankie's Fishnets.

🗑 Listen to Paul on the Trash Art and the Movies podcast