Carbon Tax - You Pay for the Spin

May 28, 2012, 03:11 AM

The Daily Telegraph reports that the Gillard government has quietly enlisted, at Australian taxpayers expense, a $5500-a-day international public relations and crisis management firm to help ease backlash expected when the carbon tax comes into effect in July.

This follows the controversial $36million Carbon Tax advertising campaign, which has been labelled “dishonest” for its focus on how much Australians will pocket, and without actually referring to increased costs-of-living under the contentious Carbon Tax.

It’s ridiculous that Australians are not only being forced to fork out for a Carbon Tax, which will have next to no effect on global emissions, but must also pay a flash PR firm to tell them about it.

A friend recently showed me a letter from the Hon. Jenny Macklin, Minister for Families – full of spin – informing them about the wonderful increase in assistance they are to receive. The positive, uplifting letter told them of how easy it would be and that there was no action required on their part.

They subsequently received a letter informing them of the measly $86 they had been provided – far lower than projected increases in costs-of-living.

This is a government entirely reliant on spin, which is more and more transparent. But of course the Australian people will severely punish them at the first available opportunity.