Ripped From The Headlines/Dumb Crimes-Stupid Criminals/ Holiday Hell Edition w/Beer City Bruiser

Season 17, Episode 155,   Dec 27, 2022, 09:15 AM

True Crime Tuesday presents Ripped From The Headlines/Dumb Crimes-Stupid Criminals/ Holiday Hell Edition with Beer City Bruiser!

It seems that even though 95 percent of the world was focused on getting together with family and celebrating the winter solstice with their families, Five percent of the world had to ruin it for somebody!  Even for those who made it through the cold and the snow, they still had to make it through the crime and scumbags!!

Tim and Bruiser talk about the man killed in the Mall of America by five people outside Nordstrom on the night before Christmas Eve!  We talk about a mother who gave her daughter "Digital Munchausen Syndrome", A Florida teen allegedly stabbed his mother because she was on his case about cleaning his room, and a Nurse allegedly drugs, sexually assaults, and takes lewd photos and videos of patients for decades before being caught!


Check out where Beer City Bruiser will be in your area:

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