The Megaforce Digigraph: How An Industry Was Born

Season 2, Episode 3,   Jan 12, 2023, 04:34 PM

Don’t look a gift-horse in the mouth.  Steven’s take: never ignore a horse coming your way!

Ignore this nonsense: opportunities are just around the corner. Nonsense. They are right in front of you or you find those when you actively seek them!

Opportunity will not knock on your door. It is not around the corner. 

If you don’t believe that, give it a try standing outside, close your eyes really tight and wish to be taller, better looking, richer? not going to happen.

However ... there is always a ”however”, is there not?

Some of the stuff he sold makes him think of that great lyric made famous by Ray, Goodman & Brown --  even more famous years later by the Beegees:  how can love so right be so wrong. seems i turned that upside down often: how can love so wrong turn out to be so right!