E.P.P. S01 EP15 PT2 Gavin n Paula Kelly

Season 1, Episode 15,   Jan 15, 2023, 08:39 PM


"So excited to have met Gavin and Paula Kelly from Paranormal Journey into the Unknown! I can't wait to share the amazing insights I gathered. Tune in to the air waves for some paranormal chat!" #paranormal #chat #journeyintotheunknown #paranormaljourney #epp #podcast #geekslady #ghosts #spirits #hauntings #convention #indiana2021

THIS IS PART 2 OF THIS AWESOME INTERVIEW!  I'm so excited to have been able to meet Gavin and Paula Kelly from the Paranormal Journey into the unknown! They were full of knowledge and I'm looking forward to sharing all the information they've shared with me on my show. Don't miss it! #paranormaljourney #epp #podcast #geekslady #paranormal #hauntings #convention #indiana2021